France Travel Planner by Tom Brosnahan & Jane Fisher   Hotels in Lourdes, France
With 350 hotels and 40,000 beds, Lourdes must have a place for you, right? Not necessarily! Sometimes every bed is occupied. Reserve in advance to get the bed(s) you want.




In France, only Paris has more hotel rooms than the small mountain town of Lourdes.

Lourdes' 350 hotels and 40,000 hotel beds in all classes provide for nearly six million visitors annually.

And yet, when a church festival or special event—say, the Week of the Rosary in late September, or the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 11th—brings tens of thousands of pilgrims to the town, hotel beds can be in short supply, so it's a good idea to reserve in advance.

Hotels line the banks of the River Gave de Pau which runs right past the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes and the Grotto of Massabielle, and dot the streets that climb the hills through the town to the Gare de Lourdes (train station).

Because car parking spaces in the town are never equal to the crowds, many hotels boast that they are "within an easy walk of the Sanctuary." Distance from the Sanctuary and availability of parking near your hotel are definitely important factors to take into consideration in your hotel search.


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Paris Girls Secret Society, the new novel by Tom Brosnahan


Hotels on River Gave de Pau in Lourdes, France

Hotels line the banks of the River Gave de Pau in the center of Lourdes, France.

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