Paris Travel Planner   Buying Tickets for the Louvre, Paris, France
Buying tickets in advance is now required!




If you're going to the Louvre, be prepared for large crowds. About 10 million people visit the Louvre each year, triple the number of visitors when the pyramid opened in 1989. As a result, lines are longer and crowds bigger, so it helps if you can know how to save yourself a little time. Here are some suggestions.

Advance Tickets

The Louvre is implementing an obligatory reservations system. All visitors will be required to reserve a specific date and time in advance. The Louvre website can provide current information on purchasing tickets in advance.

Paris Museum Pass

The Paris Museum Pass can save both time and money, if you're planning to visit several museums. However, Paris Museum Pass holders must still reserve a date and time in advance. The Pass gets you admission, but only at a specific time.

Note that the Paris Museum Pass is included as part of the Paris Pass, which also provides transportation and access to some other monuments and activities. More...

Lines at the Louvre, Paris  

A long line to enter the Louvre, but with my Paris Museum Pass I could go in the very short line on the left.


Now what? You're through security and you've got your ticket, but it's still pretty overwhelming and crowded. Lots of people and several sets of escalators leading up...You need a strategy for your visit so you can use your time most effectively. We've made a few suggestions for how to plan your visit to the Louvre.

Musée du Louvre

Getting into the Louvre

Top Museums of Paris

Planning Your Visit to the Louvre

Paris Museum Pass

Paris with Children

Paris Parks & Gardens

What to See and Do in Paris

Finding Your Way in Paris

Paris Hotels

Paris Transport


Paris Girls Secret Society, the new novel by Tom Brosnahan


Winged Victory of Samothrace, Louvre, Paris

Above, Winged Victory of Samothrace.

Below, Amphitrite, Cour Marly, Louvre.

Louvre, Paris, France



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