Paris Travel Planner   Churches in Paris, France
Paris is a city of churches, with far more to see than the well-known wonders of Notre-Dame de Paris, the Sainte-Chapelle, Sacré-Coeur and St-Germain-des-Prés.



Paris has hundreds of churches. There's at least one in each neighborhood or district.

Each has its story. Many are centuries-old architectural and historic wonders, and most are well worth a visit.

Here are the ones to visit first if your time is limited:

Cathédral de Notre-Dame de Paris

Paris's most famous church was badly damaged by fire on April 15, 2019. Although the towers are standing and some of the interior and stained glass windows have survived, much was lost. Plans are under way to rebuild. More...

La Sainte-Chapelle

This medieval wonder on the Île de la Cité has perhaps the finest, most awe-inspiring display of stained glass in the world. In fact, it's mostly stained glass. More...

Basilique du Sacré-Coeur

Perched on its hilltop overlooking Paris, Sacré-Coeur is one of the great symbols of Paris. It's also a mecca for young people, artists, tourists, even the religious. More...

L'Église de St-Germain-des-Prés

Paris's oldest church still in use is not nearly so grand as the aforementioned temples, but it is a favorite of Parisians because it is unpretentious and located in the Latin Quarter. More...

L'Église Saint-Sulpice

Famous for its organ, its Delacroix paintings, and its fictional association with The Da Vinci Code, Saint-Sulpice is another Latin Quarter gem. More...

L'Église de la Madeleine

Built like a Greek temple, the Madeleine is a unique church not far from the Place de la Concorde. More...

L'Église Saint-Eustache

The church of the former Les Halles market, St-Eustache reflects its heritage and is still the center of this vibrant area of the Marais. More...

L'Église St-Étienne-du-Mont

Located next to the Panthéon, this ornate church boasts a famous rood screen between the choir and the nave. More...

L'Église St-Gervais-St-Protais

In the Marais near the Hôtel de Ville, this church traces its history to the 6th century and was host to generations of the Coupérin family of organists. More...

L'Église St-Germain-L'Auxerrois

The parish church of the royal family when they lived at the Louvre, St-Germain-L'Auxerrois has a long and proud history. More...

More Churches...

These are some of the more famous churches of Paris. But there are lots more that are interesting and worth a visit. More churches...

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Paris Girls Secret Society, the new novel by Tom Brosnahan


Basilique du Sacre-Coeur, Montmartre, Paris, France

Above: Le Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, on Montmartre, Paris, France.

Below: St-Germain-des-Prés, as seen
from the Towers of Notre-Dame.

St-Germain-des-Pres, Paris
Église de St-Germain-des-Prés.

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