France Travel Planner by Tom Brosnahan & Jane Fisher   Tourist Information, Arles, France




The main Office de Tourisme in Arles is located in a modern building on the Boulevard des Lices (map), less than 500 meters (547 yards) southwest of the Arène d'Arles.

There is also a small office in the Gare d'Arles train station.

Maps, information on walking tours, and other brochures are available in both locations to help guide your visits in Arles and the nearby Camargue.

The helpful staff in the Office de Tourisme also sell a variety of combination tickets to sights and attractions in Arles and its region, so if you plan to visit several monuments, you may want to take advantage of one of these "passeports."

Office de Tourisme d'Arles
Boulevard des Lices (map)
13200 Arles, France
+33 (0)4 90 18 41 20

Hotels & Flats in Arles

Where to Stay in Arles

Arles Transportation

What to See & Do in Arles

About Arles

About the Camargue

About Provence


Paris Girls Secret Society, the new novel by Tom Brosnahan


Tourist Information Office, Arles, France

Tourist Information Office, Arles, France.

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