Paris Travel Planner   How to Use a Paris Laundromat
You get to your Paris laundromat/laundrette and all the instructions are in French. Here's how to use a Paris laundromat/ English. 


I assume you've already located your nearest Paris laverie libre-service (laundromat). If not, here's how to find it.

Before you go: stock up on euro coins of 1€ and 2€ and notes of 5€. Some laveries are now equipped for payment by credit/debit card and by smartphone (Apple Pay, etc.).

You may also want to drop in at a small grocery store (Franprix, Monoprix, G20, Carrefour City, etc.) and buy detergent (lessive) and, if you use it, fabric softener (soupline; see below for vocabulary), although those are almost always available for purchase at the laverie itself.

All Paris laundromats are not the same, but they're similar. The photos show an example, but first, some vocabulary:

Adoucissant = fabric softener
Assouplissant = fabric softener
Assouplisseur = fabric softener
Javel = bleach
Lavage = washing
Lessive = laundry detergent/washing powder
Linge = linen (ie, laundry)
Machine à laver
= washing machine
Prélavage = pre-wash
Sèchoir = drying machine
Soupline = fabric softener

Here's a translation of the instructions for washing (see the photos below):

1. Push the yellow button to open

2. Fill without stuffing (over-filling)

3. Close the door securely

4. Select the water temprature

5. Add detergent, softener

6. After doing these things, go to the control panel [see the photo on the right—>]

Paris Laundromat Instructions

At the control panel:

Some laveries sell laundry detergent (lessive) by means of the control panel: you select the option to buy detergent, pay for it, and a small box of it drops from a unit nearby.

Notes/bills accepted: 5 - 10 - 20

Detergent & dryers: pay in coins 10¢ - 20¢ - 50¢ - 1 - 2


1. Prepare your washer

2. On the keypad, press the number of your washer

3. Pay the amount indicated on the screen, and take your change

Detergent compartment
The detergent compartment on your washer
may look something like this.

Temperature Tips

Temperatures are in ° Celsius:

Cotton & Linen = 40°C (warm-104°F), 60°C (medium-140°F) or 90°C (hot-194°F

Cotton-Polyester, Synthetic = 40°C (warm-104°F), cool dry

Synthetic, Delicate = 30°C (cool-86°F), cool dry

Wool (Machine-washable) = 30°C (cool-86°F), no pre-wash

Laundromats in Central Paris

Laundromats in Northern Paris

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Paris Girls Secret Society, the new novel by Tom Brosnahan
Read a novel of Paris while you wash...


Paris Laundromat Instructions

Above, the laverie control panel. Washing can be paid with coins or notes/bills, and in some laveries, with credit/debit card, or by smartphone (Apple Pay, etc.).

Below, you can visit the basilique du Sacré-Coeur while your laundry sloshes. More...

Basilique du Sacre-Coeur, Paris, France


Paris Girls Secret Society, the new novel by Tom Brosnahan 

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