What are the best itineraries for 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 to 5 days, a week, 7 to 10 days, two weeks or more? Show me a map of France.
What's the best month to take a trip to France? Holidays & festivals? High season? Off-season? What should I wear?
How much will a trip to France cost? What money should I take? Can I use my credit card? Pay with my smartphone? What's the euro exchange rate? What about tipping?
Hotels? B&Bs? Apartments/Flats? Resorts? Room-sharing? Must I reserve in advance?
Car? Train? Plane? Bus? Boat? Bike? How can I save money on transportation?

Take the RER B train from Aérogare 2 at
Charles de Gaulle Airport to central Paris...
I've heard that foreign roaming is expensive. How can I save money while staying in touch with home? Will my phone even work in France?
Start planning your trip to Paris with your itinerary for one, two or three days, 4 to 5 days, a week or more.
Then find out about exchanging money, airport buses, trains, transfers & taxis, Paris hotels, how to find your way around Paris, and what to see & do in Paris: museums, churches, parks and gardens, cruises on the Seine, shopping, Paris with children, how to save time climbing the Eiffel Tower, even how to do your laundry. More...
Using your Paris hotel or apartment/flat as your base you can visit Versailles, Chartres, Disneyland Paris, the Château de Fontainebleau, Monet's garden at Giverny,
even the châteaux in the Loire
Valley, and/or the Normandy D-Day beaches. More...
You can experience France in many special ways, such as bicycling, floating in a canal barge, skiing and snowboarding...or all of these. More...

The grand Hall of Mirrors at the Palais de Versailles near Paris.